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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. Yuck and ouch indeed! Glad you got it looked at.
  2. shellylh

    New Puppy

    Yay for great little doggies and kitties and owners!!!
  3. Well, I only have 3 DX lenses right now (35mm f/1.8, 40mm f/2.8 macro and Sigma 17-50 f/2.8 ) and don't use the 40mm macro that often. My other lenses are FX (50mm f/1.8, 85mm f/1.8, Tamron 70-300 VC, and Tokina 100mm 2.8 macro). So I would mostly just be missing a fast zoom. I probably wouldn't try to replace that, at least right away since FX fast zooms seem to be a bit pricey. I suppose I could use Sigma 17-50 f/2.8 in crop mode on the D610 for those times I wanted to carry around a zoom. I assume that would work just as well as on the D90 but that is just a guess. I would seriously think about getting the Sigma 35 f/1.4 that Haj mentioned though.
  4. WTF - I think you had had worse luck than I over the last couple of years!
  5. Interested to hear if all the problems have indeed been fixed. I'm ready to get a new camera and it's either this or the D7100 (unless a D400 appears). I'm torn between FX and sticking with DX.
  6. Well, I always knew there was something wrong with you.
  7. Well, somehow my team did well this week no thanks to my two "best" players Brady and Lynch and got 142 points. Unfortunately, I was playing damn Mr Longhorns Jeff so I lost (any other team in the league I would have beat). Sigh.
  8. Nice pictures CJ - I hope you don't have to have surgery... that would obviously really suck.
  9. They really should make those fire hydrants easier to see... maybe they could paint them a bright color...
  10. Well, you have a couple decent starters. I'm wondering who is going to have to worse record this season, my fantasy team or the Texans. Jeez Schaub.
  11. Those look pretty serious but I don't see any bacon on them.
  12. shellylh

    New Puppy

    Love the pictures Vicki - he is adorable! Please keep posting pics.
  13. Thanks for the ebay tip Ben. This time of year seems to be a good time for bike sales. There is an LBS that is popular here/not too far and has a big sale in the month of October. I don't know many of the brands they sell there though. http://www.danielboonecycles.com/ de Bernardi (special order only) Bianchi CIOCC (special order only) Colnago Coppi (special order only) de Rosa (special order only) Dahon Kestrel (special order only) Specialized Seven Santana Strida (special order only) Trialtir USA There is another LBS about 1/4 mile from my house that has more standard bikes: Giant/Scott/Felt. http://bicycleworldofhouston.com/ I suppose I will have to get a woman's bike (5'2" and shortish torso plus low hip flexibility because of my hip surgery). Any good bikes/brands to start looking at? I wouldn't want to get something used because I don't know what size/geometry I would need and would like to get it fitted.
  14. 31.6/270 is what I have right now Yeah, I suppose you may be right. This was my reasoning: This is a mountain bike so you are sitting much more upright than a road bike. I figured that using a setback post would make the geometry a little more like a road bike and more like the spinning bike that I am used to using at the gym. Since I am just using this for exercise right now, I'd rather have more of the geometry of a road bike/spinning bike. In particular, when my pedal is at the highest point, I feel that the angle on my leg is too acute for my comfort. Maybe it is a dumb idea and I should just get a road bike and put it on the trainer.
  15. Distance to the pedals is too short. Right now, I'm not even holding onto the handlebars much because of my shoulder. Also I have long legs and a short torso for my height.
  16. I have an old Trek 8000 race/tn bike that i use mostly at home on a trainer. The problem is that it is too small for me. I was thinking that I could get a longer seatpost (and one that is setback) - like 400mm - until I get another bike*. Can you point me at some decent budget seatposts? I looked about Thompson Elite but I don't need or want to spend that much on something that won't be used for very long. *I can't ride a bike still because of my shoulder so buying a new bike right now really isn't an option.
  17. Still doesn't work. At this point, I am guessing that I am going to have to wait for Remote to get updated before it will work again (it was last updated Jan 30, 2013). Very frustrating.
  18. That looks really good (although I agree that it might have too much sauce). Fresh arugula is great on pizza.
  19. Homemade hummus with chipotle and lots of garlic! Why have I got 38 years without making my own hummus? It's so easy and good.
  20. Replaced the control board (that recently became possessed) in our front washer. It was a little harder than I thought it would be but it it seems to be working now.
  21. Glad I haven't been traveling much lately.
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