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Everything posted by clarke68

  1. Serious! People are (apparently) paying $600 for freaking mono[/]: Beatles In Mono Box Set - Beatles - CD - Buy.com ...certainly there are enough of us nut-jobs left in the world who would shell out for "indistinguishable from the original masters". Heck, I'd even forgo the option of listening to lossy MP3s!
  2. From a sidebar in the latest Rolling Stone, "Meet the Beatles, Again":
  3. Tetterapadequ - And The Missing 'R'
  4. $6,321 pledged out of their $2,000 goal. Does this mean they'll do Biotches Brew as well?
  5. o/t photo geek question...what's the camera here? Great grain structure, which isn't something you see a lot in this digital era.
  6. Great post/thread! I had no idea you could order In 'n' Out fries animal style. Holy triple bypass, Batman, those look obscene(ly awesome)! If you guys weren't holding down jobs good enough to be able to afford all this stuff, I'd swear you were teenagers wearing grown-up masks. Rock on!
  7. clarke68

    CanJam 2009

    Who's gonna be the first to post a pic of the HF-2s?
  8. Another recap of PU's press release is available here: [url=http://technabob.com/blog/2008/12/11/the-perfect-unisons-wooden-headphones/]the perfect unison
  9. Songbird by Eva Cassidy is a compilation of different recordings done in a variety of times/places, but the track "Wayfaring Stranger" has very audible sibilance. Also happens to be my favorite track on the album, and it's well worth listening to (over and over) even with the recording flaws.
  10. LOL...I hear 'ya! I'm here right now: Masada - Live in Sevilla 2000 Check this one out and you'll want to catch Thursday night as well. About the only night I'm not completely thrilled about is Saturday, although I bet the Dreamers would be better live than the album was.
  11. Freakin' love that album. I just picked up Azazel the other month: ...but I'm not listening to it right now so, y'know, sorry for the OT post and stuff. Also just wanted to brag that I'm seeing them tomorrow night. I am such a tool.
  12. The PCM1796 isn't TI's best DAC, but it's not far off. The SRC4192 specs out really well, it's among their best SRCs. I don't know a thing about the tubes. Of course, all of that has very little to do with how the unit sounds. A poor implementation can introduce interference and distortion that will blow away the low noise floor inherent in the parts.
  13. Masada 1
  14. Can't help you on specs, but I owned a 1.1 and a 1.2 at one point. I actually preferred the 1.1...it was more punchy & neutral while the 1.2 had a more warmish sound, although the 1.2 sounded better with HDCDs. It's surprising to me that there are so many 1.2s around at the moment...back when I was looking, they were somewhat rare.
  15. My desk is a bit too small for them unfortunately...but I'd be happy to get a new desk to accommodate!
  16. Mini-Maggies coming soon... Stereophile: Fooled Ya!
  17. More specifically, it's an Impulse! set. It's going to be awesome...A Love Supreme, Blues and the Abstract Truth, Black Saint and the Sinner Lady, etc.
  18. They shove 8 people into the "sweet spot"...is it any wonder that a majority prefer the planars?
  19. Turtle Beach Audio Advantage Micro - $30 new. I haven't tried the Transit, but I have a Sonica (the predecessor to the Transit)...it's great as a transport, but as a headamp it sounds noticeably worse than the headphone jack on my laptop.
  20. That's the spirit. Birthdays are for kids...real men have birthday week!!! Make it count!
  21. clarke68

    AV123 X-Static

    My daily drivers are the Ascend Acoustics Sierra-1, and I have a Parasound solid-state rig (the mid-level New Classic series). But like I alluded to, Mark thought the possibility of there being problems with the pair I received was real enough that he pulled them, and my review is on hold until I can get another set in. It sounds like you have experience with the x-statiks. Did you have some input for the OP, or just questions for me?
  22. clarke68

    AV123 X-Static

    I had a pair in for review. I didn't care for them: they were too bright for my taste and I had problems with the metal grills. AV123 told me that some of the issues I found have been fixed in later runs (the pair I received was from the first batch from the factory in Cali, Columbia), so they're going to send out another pair for re-evaluation as soon as I can get to it (which will be early next year). Apparently Wayne Garcia liked them, and a favorable review will be appearing in the December issue of Absolute Sound. The MFW-15, on the other hand, was awesome. It's huge (in my living room, anyway), make sure you measure first, but it did everything I'd ever want a subwoofer to do.
  23. Chocolate cake left in a Yahoo! break room.
  24. There is something to that. [off topic alert] Check out this article: Bob Ludwig On Digital Audio BAS Speaker ...written by Bob Ludwig in 1989. He did an experiment adding analog noise to a CD master and found it that it actually improved the sound of the CD. More noise = better sound...whoda thunk?
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