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  1. What I haven't mentioned yet is the other big change in my life. That's a career change. The company that I've worked for the last 7 years has had less and less work for me. And the last job I did for them had 137 stair steps from the street to the job site. And there was rarely parking anywhere near the stairs leading to the job. On top of that, the homeowners insisted that we load our tools up daily, because they were afraid the tools would cause a break-in, which they were worried would lead to vandalism. So I was lugging many, many tools up and down those miserable stairs every day. Some tools quite large and heavy. I was having dizzy spells that I assumed at the time was related to the ascending climb as well as my ascending age. I've since discovered that my Hypertension meds needed to be adjusted, and I'm feeling better now. However, I've decided to try a career change. This old dog is trying to learn a new trick. I turned in my Resume to the local Fairfax Lumber store about a month ago, and was surprised when the cashier rushed myself and my resume back to the President of the company immediately. As it happened, they were looking for a new hand at the lumber desk. They needed someone to revive the tanking contractor sales. The President got a bit excited as he read my resume, then offered me the job on the spot. I accepted. I started a few days later, but on my first real day of work, I started having really bad dizzy spells after simply stocking shelves. I thought I was going to pass out, and my vision was getting blurry as well. It shook me up, and I had to tell the President that I couldn't complete the day. The good news was that the next day I went to see my Doctor, at the insistence of Al and Dorothy, for which I'm very grateful. The Dr. was pretty sure immediately that the issue was low blood pressure. That was caused by the 3 meds I was taking for Hypertension working too well. Partly due to an over 20 lb. recent weight loss. Anyway it was a relatively easy fix, except she told me that I needed to be as inactive as possible for two weeks while the deletion of one of the meds cleared my system. Not the best timing, with a brand new job and a big move happening. But I'm the guy that has the most incredible friends imaginable! Al, Dorothy, Dorothy's friend Gavin and Dorothy's Mom Rini moved my entire apartment to my new place. Cleaned my old apartment (no small feat), and insisted that I chill and do as little as possible. I can tend to freak out a bit when things come at me hard. Al has this incredible way of calming me down and making me see what's possible, instead of what's impossible. And I don't usually make that easy! After my session with Dr. Al, I went and talked to the President of Fairfax Lumber, explained my medical situation and the two weeks off that I needed. He agreed to give me that time and a bit more to complete the move. I just completed my first week on the job yesterday. It's going great! My experience as a carpenter is definitely crossing over. I've been able to solve customer's project questions, am learning my way around the myriad of goods that we sell and above all the boss is impressed. At closing yesterday he pulled me aside and told me how happy he was that my health issue has improved, and how happy he is with my knowledge and customer service. The last guy they hired in my position was there only a few weeks, then died of a heart attack. So I understand his relief. Well it seems I've created another marathon post, but just wanted to fill you in and express my gratitude for friendships I clearly don't deserve, but will do my utmost to repay!
    17 points
  2. Well the SRS-X1000 just showed up unexpectedly and with all of my cameras out of juice the phone had to do. It really doesn't like the halogen lights in the kitchen... First off, this made me laugh out loud... here is how they came out of the box: Now for anybody familiar with the vintage SR-1/2/3/5 and SR-X series... this is usually how they arrived too with one or both earcups loose from the headband. Packaging is also very reminiscent of the SR-X boxes: I must say though that I fucking despise these new Stax boxes from a graphics design point of view. It looks like any cheap, tacky crap out of China... the older ones were unique and had their own thing going on but this just fucking blows. Now for the headphones it was a quick trip into the office for a listen so no more pics. Usual rig of Denarips Terminator and Carbon CC. They do feel nice in the hand though, very light and the cable actually has copper colored lines/dashes on it, not gold ones as they often looked from the pics. Gone is the blue cable... why they made that I have no idea. The headband has a lot of extension to it so even melon heads can use these. There is no padding on the headband at all but the material is firm here, not loose like on the original SR-X units. Earpads are nice and snug and seem to be nice quality, leagues ahead of the garbage on the L300/L500's. Now for sound... these sound pretty good which is a fun thing to say about a Stax set for a change. They are nice and neutral, not much forward slant here but they are quite extended on top. The bottom end is a bit lacking (smaller drivers and all that) but it is very mid-bass happy so quite fun to listen to. Midrange is a tiny bit closed in at times and the soundstage is quite closed in but it doesn't really bother me. Just that odd moment where something sounds a tad bit off but yeah... these are so much better than the L300... it's not even fucking funny. Might even be able to finally retire my aging fleet of SR-207 test headphones good... we'll see. I'll update more in the coming days but after an hour, yeah get a set. Now for the amp, first thing you notice is that it's a good inch deeper than the 252S and all of the other desktop Stax amps before it. I haven't done any circuit analysis yet but this is clearly just a version of the last 252S circuit and yup... it's still all through hole in 2024. Utterly bizarre... The extra length in the chassis is just there for the fuse and a breakout board for the RCA's. There are clearly spots on the PCB for - inputs so they might make a balanced version of it at some point? Been there, done that and while fun... it adds very little to the performance. Input Jfets are K81's so 2SK2881's and those riser boards seem to be PCB capacitors. I need to take a look at them in more detail but yeah, quite odd as they are numbered from 1 and up to 4.
    17 points
  3. Cheering on the people we know in Paris. On the left, our friend and Lance's former coach. The gold medal fencer on the right is "Greg" Cheung. Most importantly, both men like my tri-tip BBQ and 12-hour short rib tacos. Little known Olympic fact...
    16 points
  4. Here I was thinking I was going to have a productive day... I didn't take any pics of the wooden boxes but they are very nice though my EX-1a box was branded as ES-2a... no matter. First off is the ES-2a and I went for the "Omega look" in terms of color. My ES-1a is all black so made sense to separate them in the collection. I like the color a lot, the finish isn't quite perfect but having been through the hell of trying to get perfect anodizing... yeah I understand that. I'm happy the outer screen has mesh in it now as that's a large part of why the Omegas sound the way they do, not that this is a copy of the Omega. I mean not really... The earpads are very nice and supple, concave similar to the newer Audeze LCD pads. A closer look at the driver face and those lover copper stators. The dust covers come with the set and I did install them as I like to keep dust out of all of my headphones. Might have some slight impact on the sound but who cares. I ordered the set with the regular cable but Benson upgraded me to the Stax Wide PC-OCC cable free of charge so thanks for that. The fit and finish of these is excellent, better than the ES-1a and that was no slouch. My main issue with them was the lack of strain relief on the headphones for the cable but that has been fixed here. EX-1a: I was pleasantly surprised when Benson told me that there would also be a cheaper version coming in the form of the EX-1a as ~1k$ headphones are sorely needed. Clearly been in the works long before Stax introduced the X1 but a take on the same Stax SR-1/2/3/3N/5/5N and X design but with much better build quality than the X1. The earcups are actually fixed to the headband and made of aluminum, not needing the new Stax mod of placing some tape over the X1 forks on new units as they won't stay in place. Very nice, all leather, earpads and it looks like leather on the headband as well. Very nice cable entry, made of soft "rubber like" material. Same plug on both sets (this has the basic 6core cable which seems to be perfectly serviceable but more on that when I get some time with them) and it is a mixture of the same rubber-like material and 3D printed end piece. Works perfectly. Now for some impressions. I've just about had an hour since I got them and spent it on the ES-2a and all I can say is... I've very, very impressed. Very neutral sound signature, a bit laid back (as if you are a couple of rows back from the performance) with a large and expansive soundstage. No lack of focus here though, they conjure a very solid stage but it's just a step back from say a 007. Very Omega like really... Treble is nice and extended, not the mess of the Stax 009 and X9000, just as detailed though . Midrange is excellent, voices have the right presence without being too forward. The bass is tight and deep, only small issue I've found would be a bit of a lack of extreme deep bass and some slight resonance in the bass on certain tracks. Nothing I worry about and I'd take these over the Stax 009's or X9000 any day of the week. I'll try the EX-1a when I can take these off my head dig my only working X1 out of storage to compare against it.
    15 points
  5. My friend and former secretary has asked me -- and now Steve -- to build some cabinets for a pantry area next to the kitchen at her new house. That project will take a while to percolate but I decided to build here a kitchen island in the meantime to replace a table she has been using to expand her counter space. Her cabinets have a dark cherry stain so at first I was going to go paint grade to avoid clashing. Rooting around the shop, however, I found enough figured maple boards for the main pieces and thought that would fit well so I went for it. I had to buy the prefab butcher block top and maple 1x3s for the slats below, but all the other maple and one plywood for the drawers and cabinet bottom were in the shop. It's hard to tell from the photos but the figuring on the cabinet and drawer fronts is really pretty. She wanted a knife drawer and another for large cooking utensils, so that's what she got. The knife blocks are maple with non tarnishing felt. Very happy with the results, except that I don't love the coloring of the butcher block. Terri loves it but may not be able to use it fully until she can get over the idea of marring it. 😂
    15 points
  6. I haven't mentioned it before now, because it's been a bit of a scramble, but today I signed a lease on a new apartment. I'm going to miss my current place, but my landlord's Father is getting too old to care for himself completely, and he's going to move into my apartment, so that he can still have some sense of self reliance. But Sheri can better help him out. My new apartment is 20 minutes West/Northwest, in a sleepy town called Nicasio. I use the term town loosely. I'm in the middle of giant Redwood trees. And I do mean in the middle. It's absolutely gorgeous! Maki will have 5 big dogs as neighbors. The landlords are dog softies and have foster failed with each one. Though Maki will have her own fenced yard. And this apartment has a doggy door, which is phenomenal. It's a bit smaller than my current place, but does have a sizable deck overlooking the forest of giant Redwoods, and much more kitchen cabinet space for my abundant kitchen appliance collection. Maki can bark all she wants, and I can crank the music as loud as I want. Currently my apartment is below a house, and that keeps it quite a bit cooler than the house above me. This new place is below a garage with a concrete slab floor, and the trees block out a lot of direct sunlight. So it should be even cooler than this place. It was quite comfortable at 4:00 today. I've had the heater vent blocked since the day I moved in almost 7 years ago. And will never need the heater in the new place. Still have my Alaska blood. Should be in on the first. Will take some pics after getting situated. Nate, do you remember the hike we went on last time you were out here? It's just a little further up the road from there, and very similar surroundings. The only downside is no in-house washer/dryer, but that's not the end of the world. It has two large closets with hanging rods, where my current apartment has none. And as a gay man, I do have an adequate clothing collection. I threw out about 20 pair of old shoes today. So only about 80-90 pair to have to move. Norm Abram would covet my plaid collection. Haven't counted but at least 40-50 plaid shirts alone. 50-60 hats, etc... You know, a perfectly reasonable wardrobe. I did slim my T-shirt collection considerably today, and have about 50 to take to Goodwill/Salvation Army. My 50-60 pair of boxer briefs and 100-120 pair of socks will remain intact. I get nervous with less. I will most likely be thinning my crazy audio cable/adapter collection soon. Will post to give anyone an opportunity to claim any unwanted items. Only 20 minutes from Compound Bedecarre, so Al, Claire and Dorothy won't easily be rid of me.
    15 points
  7. Saw Sarah McLachlan and Feist last night at Red Rocks. Amazing!
    15 points
  8. My best friend from high school popped up out the blue. I got a Smugmug message from him. He passed though town on other business and we spent a few hours monopolizing a table at the Southport. I had kind of forgotten that it was from him that I got my, ahem, sense of humor. (although he claims it was the other way around). Which made me realize that it's been way too long since I've even lurked here. So I'm posting and promising to do better
    15 points
  9. Actually yesterday, but visited the DeYoung Museum for the last day of the Tamara de Lempicka exhibit. Amazing work. These are just a few of the paintings exhibited...
    14 points
  10. Thanks! It's a bit strange, because I'm used to being the guy that's 100% confident in his abilities on the job. But it's good to shake things up now and then. Also, there's a local carpenter named Jack that has done lots of work on Al's Fairfax house. In 2013 I worked with him on a bathroom remodel above the garage (Frank's old place). And he also saw me building some stuff for Al and Claire. Well on Friday he came into Fairfax Lumber, saw me working there and inquired about that. Augie (the president) started to introduce him to me, and Jack told him that we had worked together several years back. He also said that I could build anything and that I was the best carpenter he'd ever worked with. Not only did that make me feel great, it seemed to impress the boss even more. There's a guy who rents space from Fairfax Lumber who builds furniture on site. His name is Dean. Dean was also standing there, and told Augie to be careful or he'd steal me away from him. Just nice to be recognized for something I put decades of passion into.
    14 points
  11. This is funny, I just bought some SRD-7's to use as donors for my own boxes. A SR-Lambda was included with one of those energizers and just look at that serial number... Aside from the foam in the earcups being crusty and the earpads having been replaced at some point, they play perfectly for a 45 year old set.
    14 points
  12. Did a little "audio therapy" last weekend with an audio buddy. Visited one of my 2 favorite dealers and did some nice listening to YG Acoustics....have loved their stuff for years.
    13 points
  13. going to look at it in a few minutes. should be ground i think. nope, thats the feedback on the output. and the gerber file is correct. not sure where you got that picture, probably here, and likely not done. 3 of the other versions had the same error, all are updated on the google shares. no idea how that happened. someone needs to go thru all 9 versions (or more) to see if there are any more errors. i'm kind of busy waxing my brand new 2025 corvette Z06 3lz htc.
    13 points
  14. my year of continuing to do things that I probably should pay for, but can’t bring myself to continues. Today’s adventure was rehabilitating my malfunctioning water heater. For $135 in parts I was able to replace all of the active and passive internals and upon reassembly, it didn’t leak and produced hot water. it only took two trips to the hardware store so I view that as a win as well. I figure I saved myself at least 500 bucks today.
    13 points
  15. Decided to bike to vacation.
    13 points
  16. Got my new power supply ready for my KG amp collection
    13 points
  17. On the 80th anniversary of D-Day, I was on a boat. That I can confirm, arrived in San Francisco. Where there was a tech conference. Where AI was the buzzword du jour. I left a d-_-b prompt Hidden in plain sight Saw the tech they used to put on the show Call that a camera rig? And saw the filming of a spot, " live to tape" Can you tell the shiny presenters from the guests? I noticed a suspiciously named company, that DoTU, May need to restrain due to prior art. Maybe not. https://voltrondata.com/ Got some swag. And a SF choc ice from their marketing budget. It finished with a nerd party. That made me happy. Funnily enough, no one mentioned recent headlines. (Whatever you do, don't mention the data breach(es)) https://www.wired.com/story/snowflake-breach-advanced-auto-parts-lendingtree/ Saw Collin's San Francisco cousin. Then finished off my trip to the City by the bay by seeing sea lions. Lots of sea lions. Noisy buggers! PXL_20240607_003730227.mp4 All in all, a fun day out.
    13 points
  18. Al told me to stop building things. For variety's sake, Andrew and I emptied the bank account last weekend to go see the defending NBA champs. Was a lot of fun, got to see an OT buzzer beater from Tatum on our end of the court. Was a good dude's night out.
    12 points
  19. Continuing the theme of "fix shit yourself" I completed the two week journey that was bringing a Ryobi One+ battery back to life. It had sat (incorrectly) on a charger for too long and discharged itself to the point where it could no longer be charged. I suspected the batter was fine. Problem one - it has one effing torx safety screw so a quick shopping trip to Amazon for IFIXIT's smallest kit with the right bit and the chassis was opened. From there I could check the cells, see that none were shorted they just all had very low voltage. Problem two - how do you trick the charger into thinking the battery is ok? A few YouTube videos and some hacking of wire later and I was able to float the battery up to ~13V which was enough to get the charger to recognize it and fully recharge the battery. Sure, I spent $15 on the torx bit but I didn't put an otherwise functional battery in a land fill. I call that a win.
    12 points
  20. Sorry but i have weakness for the Western Electric horns
    12 points
  21. WTF? I'm thoroughly confused! I haven't exchanged a word with Jacob in years! I have no idea where this is coming from. Bazaar!!! However, I'll attempt a reply at what I can only assume ws some kind of drunken rant. Firstly, I don't distinguish between Queer and Gay people. Or Lesbian, Bisexual and Transexual people. We're lumped into one group for a reason. Because we're all discriminated for our sexual identities. They're all my family in this fight. They all deserve the same respect as our heterosexual counterparts. Secondly, I have no memory of you ever coming out to me. That's not to say it never happened, but unlike many, I'm not at all shocked when I hear that someone is coming out as LGBTQ+. So it doesn't leave a real impression or memory. Especially if it's someone I have very little contact with on a day to day basis. When I came out on this forum in 2010 I believe, I had a few members private message me to tell me of their LGBTQ+ status. I did not share those revelations with this forum, because that's not my place to do so. Nor did I have any desire to do so. I felt honored that they'd want to share that with me, but if and when they choose to out themselves is their business and nobody else's. Jacob and I have never shared any kind of comradery on either forum. He was always standoffish to me, and I let that be. I remember the first time we met face to face. It was in 2010, Chicago Can Jam, just before I came out. I wanted to meet everyone I could face to face before coming out, because I wanted them to meet Steve, not 'the gay guy', if that makes sense to you? Anyway, the day I arrived in Chicago and met several people, a group of a dozen or so of us decided to get some lunch at a local restaurant. Jacob was one of those people. At some point during lunch Jacob announced "hey, you seem like a nice guy. I really expected you to be a complete asshole". Noone really said anything to that. Including myself. How do you answer a statement like that? Especially when it's stated in a public setting? For me that kind of set the tone for our relationship, or lack there of. While I've never put any member on ignore, I pretty much just skipped over his posts. Then came the giant explosion, where Jacob deleted most of the forum, by accident or on purpose. Again, I assumed alcohol related. I had a lot of back content lost forever. Posts and pictures of building things. My turntable, headphone stands etc... pictures that I had no other backup for. And yes, it pissed me off. But we move on. Then when Jacob reappeared I continued to pretty much ignore him. I have no idea of the events in his life. I couldn't tell you anything about him. I've had no contact of any kind in many years. And I've been more than OK with that. I've not encouraged or discouraged other members from interacting with him. In short, I really just haven't thought much about him in any way. Maybe that's the source of his anger? Maybe not? Honestly I don't really care. However, suddenly accusing me of some kind of prejudice against Queer vs. Gay is just silly. It doesn't really deserve a response, but I guess I chose to do so at any rate. Now I'll go back to ignoring Jacob. That's what works best for me.
    12 points
  22. Actually, I first want to express my deep gratitude for the complete acceptance that I have received from this very fine group of people! I joined this forum of beautiful people at a time in my life where I was again facing idiotic mindsets and manurisms from those around me, especially at my workplace. And this place, and you people were my respite from the ignorance of those that I dealt with at the time.
    12 points
  23. Pride weekend today at Filoli. Esmé has been non-binary for a couple years, but today, for the first time, also introduced themself as lesbian.
    12 points
  24. First weekend up in our Maine Condo, nice to be up here. As always, set up the stereo (all-in-one with Orchard Pecan Pi + board and Purifi amp modules -> Kaya S12 speakers). This is the second all-in-one like this I modded, did a cleaner job on the back of this one....no panel scratches. Also a lovely picture of Nubble Lighthouse in York Maine with the Northern Lights; not my pic. But one of Karen and my favorite places!
    12 points
  25. All bookcases completed. And the other project I alluded to... This Walnut cookie was cut from a tree on Al's Brother's property, where now stands his new house. This table will now sit on the covered veranda, not far from where the tree originally stood. Al found the base from a seller we've used before for table legs. Hard to see from my poor photography skills, but there's lots of burl in this piece.
    12 points
  26. One of my past customers, who has become a friend, owns a bookstore in the City, near the ocean. She called me this morning to tell me that her reader is sick, and ask me if I could fill in. I had expressed my desire to do so a few years back, while I was remodeling the bookstore. I got here a little while ago. Early, because she has a coffee shop in the bookstore, and the coffee is phenomenal. As I was catching up with her and the employees about 75 kids have come in and settled in the big back yard. I'm really excited, but also pretty nervous. I don't know the material at all. But they're kids. I could screw up pretty bad, and still fake my way through it, hopefully! OK, I'm up in 8 minutes. Wish me luck! Oh, and Maki is here keeping all of them occupied and having the time of her life!
    12 points
  27. I moved into the new place this weekend. Moving sucks, but hopefully that was the last move I need to make in a good while.
    11 points
  28. I think season 2 is better than 1...It could be the addition of a new writer...MY SISTER!...
    11 points
  29. Yesterday, removed half the sod to clear a 14' x 16' tract of land. For context, that took about two and half hours. This morning, continued to remove sod to clear the rest of the area. Took about an hour since I'd already used the edger to cut the sod into roughly 1' square pieces. Project then moved from demolition to construction, which involved raking and grading the area. Then moved approximately 5,000# of crushed stone by hand along with installing permeable paving forms to make Lily a parking space beside the driveway. Grandma and grandpa chipped in. The somewhat rough finished project. I did a bit more raking/sweeping to level it out and smooth the high spots. The paver box-out in the back is for an irrigation control valve that was annoyingly just at the edge of the excavation.
    11 points
  30. Not today, but Thursday night, the northern lights made a return visit. Quite visible to the naked eye this time with pretty striking red and green hues across the whole night sky. Wild to see in southern New England. Today, replaced the rear brakes on the Volvo which my mechanic had said were "metal on metal". That was a slight exaggeration but the pads were down to the wear bars so it was time. The rotors actually looked pretty good (essentially no lip) but decided that it made sense to do them while I was in there since I already had the parts. I did not end up doing the fronts as they still have a good 1.5mm to the wear bar and the rotors look fine as well. I'll keep the parts on hand and plan on doing them next spring summer depending on how inspection goes in March.
    11 points
  31. Prepping for homecoming tailgate on Friday. Made a batch of cheddar jalapeño and maple apple havarti sausage. Pair of prime briskets ready roll.
    11 points
  32. So if you have been in the Drinks 2024 thread (where I live) you know that we had three University events on Thursday and Friday. One was the Women Kicking Glass Gala where Karen and I had to wear our Prom outfits
    11 points
  33. 11 points
  34. Beautiful day. I've had my best times in the toughest sections and I have stayed right behind the car that opens the race all the time even in the toughest stages...so I'm happy. This year has been a real piece of shit
    11 points
  35. The landlord seemed baffled at the size of "the stereo" for a 400 s.f. apartment. "Stereo? Oh no, that's just the video system. The stereo is still packed in boxes." These non audiophiles. They're so odd. Yes, that's a woodburning stove behind. Something I'll never use. Still have my Alaskan blood. Never used the heat in my last place in 7 years. I do have a few electric heaters if needed, but pretty sure they'll gather dust too.
    11 points
  36. My first "serious" test for the next cycle here in Gran Canaria. It is practically the same route as the race. Thought and mood are something very curious... while I was climbing, although I was having fun with the beautiful day (we reached almost 40º C) I had the sensation of going slower than usual and when I returned home I was quite tired. I thought it was the treatment's fault but nevertheless, when I saw the data this afternoon I saw that not only climb faster but I also set significantly better times. Sea of clouds in the north of the island In Tejeda it´s the Parador (something like a Hotel) Top climb Jose needed breakfast today....
    11 points
  37. I finished inputting into a spreadsheet all of the shows that Claire and I have kept ticket stubs for. She started the project years ago and logged over 300 shows from her journals, ticket stubs and scrap books. Now that I have finished all paper tickets we still have and added some that I have in memory but not on paper, the total is over 600 concerts, mostly rock (broadly defined) and jazz with a mix of symphony, bluegrass, rap, country, etc. There is a small percentage that we went to separately and I am not done scraping my memory and my friends' memories, but the bulk is now recorded. We're wondering if we will hit 1000 shows before we slip this mortal coil. Actually, that reminds me that I think I saw that band and definitely saw Dead Can Dance...
    11 points
  38. Had a surreal moment at work the other day - I was out walking with our public affairs staff planning for an upcoming major event when my specialist made the following comment, "Maybe we should use the nice camera in the closet for this?" I responded asking WTF she was talking about, what was this camera, where was it, how long had it been sitting around, etc. What followed was a mind numbing conversation about how her higher-HQ had shipped her a camera last year to use to document some of the work we're doing. She took one look at it, decided it was way-too-complicated and put it in a storage closet. So on Monday I unearthed a mint condition Nikon D4S complete with a Nikkor 28-300 lens. I have always wanted to tinker with a Nikon FX body. I am the only one that can figure out how to use a camera without a green auto function 🤦‍♂️. So I've got it home with me for the long weekend trying to figure it all out and re-learn some Nikon functions after going to the dark side of Sony for the last three years.
    11 points
  39. Found my pic with Willie, my friend Johnnie and two random women
    11 points
  40. Birgir "It's not complete trash" for those not familiar this is high praise
    11 points
  41. Have been tinkering a bit with the XL'ish. Build one based on EMS 20Bs and another based on EMS 300b (picture) A major improvement to the Megatron for sure. Really enjoyable to listen to, toe tapping. Whether 20B or 300b I found those pretty similar sounding in this configuration.
    11 points
  42. So Thursday we drove to Manchester, VT and toured Hildene for most of the day and then went to dinner at The Copper Grouse where Karen had a super Coq au Vin and I had an excellent orange duck. On Friday we attended a one-day Fly-fishing course at Orvis which was a hell of a lot of fun. After the course was over we used our 20% off coupon to buy two of their mid tier fly-rods and reels. Then we went for dinner at The Reluctant Panther and had an excellent lobster and Brie fondue appetizer. Karen had a nice, thick bone-in pork chop and I had an excellent lamb sirloin steak. Drove home on Saturday and picked up the dogs from the doggie pet resort. Nice relaxing mini vacation that we both needed.
    11 points
  43. Speaking of lenses and Leicas, took out the Sigma 105mm f/1.4 on the SL2 Sunday. Helped a friend shoot a band. I was second camera so zero pressure. Most of me loves the lens. My lower back is the contrarian.
    11 points
  44. Claire and I ended up joining Steve's steak dinner and there was still too much food! Everything was delicious.
    10 points
  45. Finally able to venture outside to repair some minor storm damage. Rain and cooler weather brought a nice change. During fires After the rain
    10 points
  46. Today's work is all done, ended up detecting a hardware failure as well that required brief downtime to replace it. Everything is up and running normally now
    10 points
  47. I was on a boat That crossed the bay To "The City" Where we had a guided tour by a retired lawyer of the TJPA/Salesforce Transit Center and Rooftop Gardens Then saw some art And took the new subway (only $1.9B) to Chinatown, for their night market. And then a short rest* Before taking the ferry home again. *The more eagle eyed of you will spot the token foreground interest, bottom right.
    10 points
  48. 10 points
  49. The Femmes show was a lot of fun and they were just as rough around the edges as ever. They have never performed their albums start to finish but it worked well. They played Hallowed Ground first and then their self titled first album after a brief intermission. Three songs made up the encore and sent the aged crowd home happy. The giant sax is apparently a Contrabass Saxophone and sounded like a fog horn even compared to the baritone sax that Blaise Garza also played. The other unusual instrument was the Weber kettle bbq that the drummer played.
    10 points
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