I've been reflecting a lot on talent and luck recently, for a variety of reasons. The former because I've observed that the world is full of people who believe that their own incredible luck means they are far more talented than they actually are (every tech bro not named "John Carmack" ever.) The latter because I've been a photographer for 20 years at this point and I swear I was better in 2008 than I am now. Similarly, I've been a DJ for over 30 years and I'm ...fine at it, but I haven't played out in a dozen years and I haven't done my radio show in over two (sad face.) What I observed was that no matter how much effort I put into my shows (which was a lot, from having decades of esoteric musical knowledge to to spending 2-3x as long as the actual broadcast figuring out how the selected tracks should go together) what people always commented on was the long and winding rant I did at the end.
My one true talent is putting words together, either in text form with careful editing (I'm dyslexic and often accidentally a word or a letter or add add an extra one) or off the dome on a microphone. I've been working on improving that at which I'm already good. So far my outlet has been reddit comments (seriously) as well as a couple long form pieces (one of which got removed from reddit because fuck me right?) I've gone after controversial subjects not because of the attention they bring but because that's what relevant. One big one is how we ended up with Donald Jumpin' Jehosephat Trump back in the White House with Elongated Muskrat (off his tits on ketamine) in tow. Another is is the relations between gay and trans people in the US. You know, light fare. I might post a couple examples here if I can figure out what thread is appropriate.
there is an american manufacturer of the same power supplies, same foot print. about double the price. don't remember where.
i have too many new toys to play with at the moment. one makes 116db on startup. its pissing off the neighbors. (which is a good thing)
Gathered grub to cook dinner at Dorothy's tonight. My landlord bought me a 4 pack of NY steaks for my Birthday, so Corrine, Dorothy and I will be having Steak, sautéed, multicolored baby potatoes, sautéed Brussels sprouts, sautéed mushrooms and a sourdough loaf. It's a sautéed evening I guess.
Oh, the fourth steak will be divided unevenly between Walter and Maki, unless Dorothy has different ideas about that.
I was indeed very happy to hear that you and Claire would be joining us! And simultaneously worried I didn't have enough food. I'm that guy that always overestimates (with the exception of penis size), and thankfully we had enough leftovers to feed 4 more people. Everyone had a go bag.
The steaks were Flintstone size.
The first part is a good question, fathead. Since I took and uploaded that photo, the ownership of Flickr has changed at least twice and the ToS has changed I have no idea how many times. I learned about the photo being featured because someone commented on it ...on my Flickr page.
Also, I've been up to a lot here. I can scarcely get into it now. The woman who had the pile of Canon gear sold off some of it while I was out of commission due to covid (I can hardly blame her) but she recently contact me about the rest. She still has the 7D II (shrug), the 24-70 F/2.8 II (great daily driver) and the 135mm F/2L (endgame lens for certain lunatics.) Stay tuned.
I attended two talks by a local photographer who shoots medium and large format black and white film. He captured the covid pandemic era of life on the Vineyard and did an exhibition about it at the MV Museum. He doesn't GAF at all about exposure or lens use, but is greatly concerned with the subject in frame and to a lesser extent the date the photo was taken. I could probably learn a lot from him.
I've been busy with my 300mm, capturing local fauna and even some skaters on our pond. More on that later.
RIP Gwen McCrae. Google search results report today as the day of her passing, but there are exactly zero news articles on it. This Information Age thing stinks.
Pretty great life.