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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/13/2025 in all areas

  1. Thanks everyone. Have not been here in a while. Seems everyone is still drinking, complaining about politics and buying stuff so pretty much the same. 🙂
    7 points
  2. The STN9360 has no problem in megatron build. Make sure to check the pin out as I remember that the adapter board needed to be rotated back.
    1 point
  3. @Augsburger thought of you the other day when I was contemplating what to get from a local H-mart. Delicious, can recommend.
    1 point
  4. Saw this, made me think of you people: That speaker placement at the end, though. (cringe)
    1 point
  5. It's all over, Tiramisu and Nice Cup of Tea
    1 point
  6. 2.3lbs of bœuf.. and a red...
    1 point
  7. Actually yesterday, but visited the DeYoung Museum for the last day of the Tamara de Lempicka exhibit. Amazing work. These are just a few of the paintings exhibited...
    1 point
  8. I've been thinking about teaching myself to carve wood. Yesterday I decided to give it a go on an old cabinet. I do tend to get over ambitious. Did I go overboard?
    0 points
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