Last Night,
Went to the Napa "Lighted Arts Festival"
Where we walked around downtown Napa in the cold and dark and light drizzle, seeing art that looked best in the dark,
but don't left me put you off.
Here are some of my pictures to give you an idea - the Press Democrat photographer arguably did a better job.
But I did manage to capture the projection art (arguably the highlight) so you can see it of you don't make it tonight ( the last night of the projection art)
It certainly manage to a attract people to downtown Napa, both the local families, the Napa Lifestyle Destination Dining crowd, and us.
Afterwards we enoyed a Lamburger, fries, beet salad, local beer and usual (not shown). The new Costco was closed by the time we arrived. so another time.
No opening bargains for us.