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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/24/2024 in all areas

  1. Meet Hershel! IMG_4119.mov
    7 points
  2. Forgot to post this one the other night, but it was a winner. Tandoori baked whole cauliflower and tomato cashew rice recipes were in a feature for vegetarian Thanksgiving. We added some lamb chop lollipops, which made it less vegetarian but more tasty for us omnivores.
    5 points
  3. We had it after 3 shots. Woke up feeling like shit, took a test - ping! Wife was out playing tennis. Came back "I feel a bit weird" take the test I suggest. Ping! Just like a bad head cold. All clear 5 days later, and led a 12 mile walk 5 days after that. I've lost count of how many shots we've had now; definitely 6 and possibly 7.
    3 points
  4. Tested positive for the 'rona. After 5 years, it finally got me. I still wear a mask just about everywhere in public and have been verbally accosted by a couple irate boomers for doing so. The main problem is that I have to pull it down to wear glasses (which fog like mad with a mask on) and I can't see shit up close without them. I've been isolating in my room like a hikikomori because I don't want to get my (sainted, octogenarian) mother sick. So far the symptoms haven't been terrible, like a strong sinus infection. I had have some genuine fever dreams earlier. I think the mower shed is haunted.
    1 point
  5. A nice beef stir fry. And I didn't even make a separate thread about it! With rice.
    1 point
  6. my year of continuing to do things that I probably should pay for, but can’t bring myself to continues. Today’s adventure was rehabilitating my malfunctioning water heater. For $135 in parts I was able to replace all of the active and passive internals and upon reassembly, it didn’t leak and produced hot water. it only took two trips to the hardware store so I view that as a win as well. I figure I saved myself at least 500 bucks today.
    1 point
  7. Joanne and I are now à jour with the vaccine nouveau.
    1 point
  8. RIP Gordon Mah Ung, PCWorld editor and hardware journalist. He made occasional appearances on the GamersNexus YouTube channel. His spicy takes and ability to lambast industry incompetence and malfeasance was the stuff of legend. Pancreatic cancer is one of the absolute worst.
    0 points
  9. It was a legit storm. We had lightning/thunder overhead. The kind that rattle the windows. In Scott's Valley there was a tornado today. AQOiuNpl7k2DlbvkRTh2gdTPLQvraec45gwVYkOzFUGSRKKdnQiiSrEczvbHR8enxd-67d1F0_i5KgzBIuOTex1i.mp4
    0 points
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