Hi Justin, sorry for the misleading of the picture. It is because the picture I post is only for a test version for myself to validate if the schematic I draw has any problem.
After building the Dynalo, it is easy to measure the voltage across 20 ohm. Yet, I cannot measure the voltage across 1 ohm after building the cfa3. Therefore, I make use of the previous printed original PCB from Dr. Gilmore to test if there is the same situation. Therefore, I don’t install the heatsink and test it with minimal components.
Actually, this is my CFA version (with a 20mm width heatsink). At the beginning, I would like to create a standard 1U size, therefore, I am fine with the original size (the 3u height version). However, I would like to minimise the space after watching your design to 32mm width. Therefore, I start drawing the new board by referring to the published schematic and the board measurement to ensure the circuit is correct.