Two bits of coda to the above. As I have mentioned, most happenings on MV are arranged through Facebook. There are 3 main FB groups. One is invite-only and no politics allowed, another is "stuff or sale on MV." The third allows politics and reads like the staging area for the next Jan 6. In the for sale group, a fella listed his prized LR for sale:
That price is really not bad for what it is. 98K is barely broken in. The problem is that it's a diesel and ...right hand drive. I don't think my brain could adapt to that, especially around here.
After this weekend's Land Rover gathering, I posted a few dozen of the photos I took to the main MV FB group. Most people who responded were either there, wished they'd been able to get there or were surprised they missed it. One guy reacted with a "barf" emoji and nothing else. This is from his FB splash page:
Nice 'dozer you got there, bro.