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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/09/2023 in Posts

  1. Thank you all for the birthday wishes everyone. This one (60) hits hard, and is a bit surreal, actually. So, of course I went to see a tribute band for The Smiths last night, & felt young again for a few hours:
    6 points
  2. My Brother and his wife have already set up her room with a new mattress and everything she'll want or need. He also had his Daughter set up a system to stream audio books for her. She can still read if she enlarges the font on her Kindle, but her eyes are deteriorating and won't improve. She's never had much interest in TV, but has always been a voracious reader. She hasn't been able to see well enough to safely cook for sometime now, so home cooked meals will be fully enjoyed by her. Just a great and happy situation for a Mother that would always step in front of my physically abusive Father, when he went way too far on his boys. She deserves this and way, way more. Even if she doesn't want to burden her children. And I fully believe that a situation that will promote better mental health can only have a positive effect on her physical health. Her Doctor thinks she has a matter of months left. That may or may not be true, but whatever time she has left absolutely needs to be happy time.
    2 points
  3. Condolences Shelly, Sorry for your loss. R.I.P. Sophie.
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. RIP Sofie. Sorry for your loss 😪
    1 point
  6. Good girl who had the best life. Sorry Shel, it hurts like hell. 😢
    1 point
  7. RIP Sophie... condolences Shelly...
    1 point
  8. I don't think he's wrong. Linkbaity title and thumbnail, obviously, and it's a broad generalization - there is real indie music out there - we post it here all the time, but discussing it as a commercial phenomenon, yes, the music industry sold "indie sound" as a category for decades.
    1 point
  9. Recent update. My Mother has been in and out of the hospital lately because of her APhib, which also sets off her COPD. My Brother and I have been trying hard to get her to go live with him and his wife. They have room and time, since they're both retired now. His wife loves my Mom and has been trying to talk her down that path. My Mother can be stubborn, and is hell bent on paying off the portion she financed on her recent trailer purchase. My Aunt (who lives nearby) has offered to store the trailer on her property. So finally my Mother has realized that life would not only be easier, but more enjoyable. Her husband has become verbally unkind. He's just turned into an irresponsible, grumpy old man. I believe he is at the begging stages of dementia. So my Brother and his wife are driving from Arizona to Texas to get her on the 17th. She won't go before that, because her husband's only Daughter (who he's never had much interaction with) can't get there until the 16th to take him back to Alaska to live with her, because of an already scheduled vacation. She's a really wonderful person, and I've filled her in on what to expect. She says she feels obligated, even though he's basically ignored her from age 5. My Mother says that she'll tripple up her trailer payments, since she'll no longer have any bills to speak of. She wants to gift the trailer to me, once it's payed off. So I'll pick it up and use it upon retirement in a little over 4 years. I'm thrilled that she will be in a house filled with love for whatever time she has left. And she'll only be seven hours away for weekend visits.
    1 point
  10. We put Sophie down today. She’s had congestive heart failure for over a year and had been doing ok with meds. However, she got really bad over the last few days - gained a lot of fluid weight, had several seizures, and was coughing much more than normal. We went to the vet and they said she had less than two weeks. We couldn’t let her suffer anymore. I miss her so much. She was the best dog ever. IMG_3005.mov IMG_3386.mov
    0 points
  11. Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Remastered is currently 87% off on Steam. It's been on my wishlist for ages. Furthermore, Never let it be said that the furry community passes on the opportunity for a joke.
    0 points
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