Thought I would share a pic of my current project as an introduction, since this is my 2nd post here.
The board is from Tubelab, its his Single Ended board, so this is a TSE amp.
For you purists, it uses sand for a current source, they are under the board so you can't see it in the pics.
Big tubes are 45's, driving Electraprint output iron which were wound for headphones, 5k@50ma with 46 and 300 ohm secondaries
Edcor power tx, 5V4 rectifier into a CLC filter for B+ of 300V, and for now, a fairly simple DC reg for the DHT heater power.
Working on its chassis now, a wooden box made from curly maple. The TSE pcb will be under a fiberglass plate that is all drilled out and ready.
I have a few other coupling caps I will try out, see what I like the best.
I also have a Coleman DHT filament heater that I am planning to use to drive the heaters in the 45's.
I'll also have a wiki page at some point soon, with more details on what's inside and how it was built.