Picked up the Yoshida mastered 75th anniversary vinyl of Art Blakey's "Free For Fall". I thought it would be interesting to do a comparison between this mastering and my 45RPM Music Matters mastering of the same record. Paid $18 for the new vinyl from amazon, the music matters are significantly more expensive at $50 a pop new. My understanding is the 45RPM are all analog, while the new masterings are digitally sourced.
The recording here is by no means "audiophile" to begin with, there is always some distortion in the brass, bit of a mess.
In short, yes the 45RPM sounds better. Blakey's drums have more impact, overall there is a greater bass presence in the recording, piano notes are clearer, you can definitely hear and feel the room more with the 45RPM.
Having said that, the new mastering is still very good. I love the couple of Alan Yoshida blue note XRCDs I have, his jazz masterings thus far in my experience have a very distinctive and pleasing quality. Can't quite put my finger on what I like about it, everything sounds clean and even and sweet across the spectrum.
So while the 45RPM has better bass, better "feel of the room", and yes, more "breath of life-ness", I'm still a fan of the Yoshida mastering and will be keeping it, and probably buying some other new vinyl, especially if they keep selling for $18.