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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/13/2014 in all areas

  1. Grilling some ribs for a Head-Case BBQ in Mayberry. Ribs spicy and sweet when they went onto the grill and then after an hour of smoke.
    3 points
  2. The pork loin mentioned above was sublime. The juiciest, tastiest pork I've ever cooked. And Debbie made a slaw of red cabbage, carrot, white onion, adobo, apple cider vinegar and canola oil. It was a wonderful meal.
    3 points
  3. Went to dc to see the cherry blossoms
    2 points
  4. I have no faith in the ability of modern medicine to treat any kind of chronic condition. Period. End of statement.
    2 points
  5. Oh well, good and bad professionals are everywhere on every field. IMO being a good MD requires spending some time to listen to the patient. Or getting his trust, for that matter.
    1 point
  6. http://mmfixed.com LOL! Apple did always create a lot of opportunities for small business
    1 point
  7. No, just pointing out that where the free market is not naturally predisposed to incentivize a solution, A non market based approach can yield a solution. (The Free Market is not the answer to everything; Sometimes Government directed efforts are)
    1 point
  8. Yay flesh toobs! Grilled some lamb loin chops and served with cauliflower "mashed potatoes" and roasted tomatoes.
    1 point
  9. Only for company's in capitalist systems. Government funded healthcare research doesn't have to be profit based ("for the greater good") . Hence the argument that company's prefer treatments / managed conditions - as they yield a recurring revenue stream, rather than cure's - which are one offs. Or where's the return on problems that only affect poor people ... Affluenza on the other hand ...
    1 point
  10. Picked up the Yoshida mastered 75th anniversary vinyl of Art Blakey's "Free For Fall". I thought it would be interesting to do a comparison between this mastering and my 45RPM Music Matters mastering of the same record. Paid $18 for the new vinyl from amazon, the music matters are significantly more expensive at $50 a pop new. My understanding is the 45RPM are all analog, while the new masterings are digitally sourced. The recording here is by no means "audiophile" to begin with, there is always some distortion in the brass, bit of a mess. In short, yes the 45RPM sounds better. Blakey's drums have more impact, overall there is a greater bass presence in the recording, piano notes are clearer, you can definitely hear and feel the room more with the 45RPM. Having said that, the new mastering is still very good. I love the couple of Alan Yoshida blue note XRCDs I have, his jazz masterings thus far in my experience have a very distinctive and pleasing quality. Can't quite put my finger on what I like about it, everything sounds clean and even and sweet across the spectrum. So while the 45RPM has better bass, better "feel of the room", and yes, more "breath of life-ness", I'm still a fan of the Yoshida mastering and will be keeping it, and probably buying some other new vinyl, especially if they keep selling for $18.
    1 point
  11. Or it's because they only treat the symptoms rather than the underlying cause which is more difficult because of individual variation
    1 point
  12. Nope, saw several people in cosplay, but I take all my yellow fever pictures at otakon.
    1 point
  13. Thanks, now I have The Who playing in my head, and I don't even like that song. (shudders) What? That looks exactly like the Pelican case I use for my VTGs. Except without the company branding.
    1 point
  14. Well the big brother of the mini KGSSHV I posted above is up and running. Huge sinks on this one so I could play with the current a bit. Running at almost 12mA now @+/-400V... Not happy with the quality of these boxes though so this one will be a one off. Managed to wash some of the anodizing off the heatsinks...
    1 point
  15. Well, we wouldn't want them to go blind, too.
    1 point
  16. I enjoyed the LCD-X more at RMAF for their larger soundstage and improved efficiency. Of course we all talk about how no "one" headphone does everything perfectly, but many top tier phones have an area where they excel over others. I couldn't say the LCD-X were #1 in any area, but they did a lot of things right, which averages out to a high score in my book. But not high enough to ditch my LCD-2 rev2 for a bigger dent in the wallet.
    1 point
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