Back in '84 I rode centuries on a new all Campy Italian Faggin (pronounced fa-jeen).
It looks like a red & chrome Colnago, it too was a post-olympic roadbike copy.
Fast forward to today, I still have the bike - it has been hanging in the garage getting rusty.
My fat ass is too heavy for the delicate thin wall Columbus frame.
Four months ago I had congestive heart failure. Almost died.
No pity party please, i'm just stating facts.
Spent a week in ICU and had multiple surgeries (minimally invasive, mostly exploritory)
Spent the following two months convalesing - lots of rest and walking short distances to get my heart going again.
So about a month ago, after researching what's out there, I bought a 15 y/o Trek hybrid.
I rebuilt it top to bottom. New BB bearings, pedals, chain, one rim and hub, handlebars & grips.
Cleaned, greased and adjusted every little thing.
Been pumping the pedals three days a week since. Am up to 20 miles a day without problems.
Of course my speed is a paltry 10-12 mph average. My goal is to lose weight so that one day
I can ride the italian stallion again, although at my age I doubt I'll be doing any centuries.