Review time!
I picked these up last week as this is kind of the can I've been looking for awhile and tyll's review sold it for me. I had been using the vmoda m80's for the "portable but too lazy to put in IEM" scenarios but after awhile the fit was just weird and they really don't sound too good. I also wanted something that I could just play off the iPhone/iPad and would sound good with all sorts of random musical non audiophile crap.
The bass is fantastic - deep, punchy, smooth and very clean. Everything else sounds great, the whole presentation is super engaging, with a polite but detailed treble that is non offensive and a really nice warm midrange. Surprised at how good the imaging is and the overall sense of left to right in the stage, not too forward and not too back, just a nice honest presentation. Even though it's a closed phone I don't really hear it as being closed in, it sounds quite open actually with a nice sense of air. These to me sound like punchier more dynamic senn 650's.
Fit is nice, very comfy and the pads are just large enough on my large ears to actually be circumaural. The momentums probably wouldn't actually circumnavigate my ears. The way the headband sits on the head and the weight/pressure distribution of the whole set makes them feel extremely light.
Biggest gripe is how freaking ugly these look on my head. Picture speaks a thousand words. This is the first can I actually am hesitant and would be embarrassed to wear in public. Yikes. To NAD's credit, it says right on the box they don't care about my lifestyle, they care about sound, to which i think they've succeeded.