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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/20/2013 in all areas

  1. Wayfare Tavern Burger w/bacon and egg.
    2 points
  2. Actually I'm probably going to surprise this group, because the feel of the knob has never been that important to me. It's all about the back of the unit for me. Is it user friendly? Easy to plug into and unplug? Is it wide or narrow? Yes, yes, I dare say the back of the unit is much more important! Of coarse this is all relative...In my world if you happen to already have a fantastic knob, then finding another fantastic knob seems less important. On the other hand, if all you have is an undersized, small diameter, unsubstantial feeling knob, then I quite understand that the quest to find the perfect knob takes on a higher significance. Either way, whether it's the front of the unit or the back of the unit that holds more appeal for you, it's more important that we all respect each others individual preferences, and come together for the greater good!
    2 points
  3. Heading to Green Day, Blondie and MC Hammer. It will be a confusing show
    2 points
  4. 1 point
  5. I thought about soldering to the big gold buttons (Rivets?) , but decided against it. I was afraid that the heat from soldering to such a big chunk of metal would cause it to melt out of the plastic and then the little pins would not line up. I dont remember if the wires go straight or cross. I would *NOT* just cut the KSC75 cable and solder it to the SENN connector. The KSC75 cable is enameled wire and generally a PITA to work with. Much easier to cut a few bits of just about any stranded wire and use that. Winning! And yet you are intrigued.
    1 point
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