I don't know that that was the implication. All three are other forums perhaps more receptive to what he clearly wanted to offer. This place is not receptive to much, especially faffing about, thank you.
Yes, it's the compromise Anne makes with me. I go out in nature in the daytime if we can have a nice dinner and a place with running water at night!
We did get to Lake Louise today, and even made it out to the Tea House with two 8 year olds! Just stunningly beautiful, isn't it? Hopefully some pics later. I think I even smiled!
Hi folks, I'm new here. I was wondering if anyone had good advice on a portable phone that is resilient in artic temps? I'm in Canada, use an iPod and want something better than the iduds, but the phones have to fit under my toque, so KSC 35's and anything larger are out. I own Ety 4p's but I can't have the isolation while walking.