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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/09/2013 in all areas

  1. Oh a decidedly lighter note, the mid-life crisis mobile is pretty much set for now. Just have to tweak the spare tire mount to fit the 32 and pick up the new top this weekend.
    2 points
  2. Fingers crossed for you and Emily and Jacob. I really respect that you guys are trying everything to stay together and be happy. Also we came to a final price with the original dealer. In the end I am ok with it but the whole car buying experience is just seedy. A bunch of people who will just lie to your face until you prove them wrong.
    1 point
  3. And of course, Jacob, I'm very glad to hear that things are looking up on the home front. In a very minor way having kids is like living with someone with a personality issue. My son was an effing mental case last night, screaming, hitting, just going berzerk after his bath. Tonight he was all hugs and kisses and "wuv u dad." It is taxing and I simply can't imagine the adult version. So hang in there bud and vent when necessary.
    1 point
  4. Jacob you're a great guy! This can't be easy, but it's refreshing to see people trying all the options before throwing in the towel. My hope is that one day when you and Emily are old and grey, holding hands while strolling through the park, looking back, these trials are only going to be part of what made your union so strong.
    1 point
  5. Ari ... if only you had photographed a bike in poor light with off camera sidelight ... who knew? (couldn't help myself)
    1 point
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