roast chicken with udon noodles cooked with garlic, red peppers, onions, celery, fish sauce, cajun spice mix, and thai chili garlic sauce (yah, it's a mish mash, but it's GOOOD)
(and this time the udon noodles weren't from a bag)
Well... there is no inductive load to drive here. Bridged amps are just a cheap way of getting more power by doubling up the amp modules. It's similar in practice to electrostatic amps with one pole driving each side of the transducer. In fact some of the very high power bridged amps with high rail voltages can be used to drive Stax...
All of this does remind me that I really should do some electrostatic articles for Tyll but I'd rather just spend my time building something.
You know it's unsettling what you just wrote because I was thinking essentially the same thing! When I had mine built the hardest choice I made was color. I flip flopped between the yellow I've got and Moltini orange literally for the 6 or so weeks before Joe Bell contacted me.
You know Vicki you could always sell some of your audio gear to fund such a worthy item... I'm going to duck now.