I'm out a Luna Rosa's having breakfast in the middle of my first outing in many weeks. There's a nasty headwind, but I feel good. I'm still in the lowest possible gear, basically just spinning, but the than a little shin splinty feel, this is the best I've felt on the bike since November.
I start formal physical therapy on Monday. I got a new workman's comp re, who is actually working with me, and he allowed me to pick my own PT, one I could never afford on my own, who doesn't give the actual therapy to office staff, and he's also a cyclist. Hoping to get my muscles back in my calf, and maybe sneak in some hip flexor work on the side. I've been doing Computrainer stuff 2x a week. Yesterday was hill work. My hip flexors are super tight. Bah.
Anyway, my steak omelet is here. I'm signing off, still slow but happy.