Dammit, prices went up since this afternoon! I better make up my mind tonight.
Edit: OK, I bought a ticket. I am arriving late on Thursday but plan to stay in town and visit Georgia Tech, give a talk and do math with some people there that day. Then on Friday night, I will head out to the Canlanta region. Then I will leave on Sunday night (flight is around 8pm).
So essentially I am a Friday night to Sunday night person. I thought about staying longer but I didn't want to push my luck with hubby after just going to MOA. My flight is late on Sunday so there will be plenty of fun time that day.
^^ I'll confess that I didn't read those articles but I'll share my one piece of advice - consider getting what your shooting buddies have, so you can share lenses, etc. I bought into Nikon, and I love it, but all my buddies ended up with Canons, so I was never able to share stuff.
You'd think the Ivy Bridge iMac (presumably Z77 based) would be able to take any DDR3 Ram up to 1600mhz. Too bad Apple locks you out of the bios leaving you no way to check.
^ Unless things have changed drastically in the past year, generally in the same ballpark for most of them. Each one has few lenses that other doesn't have, so if you need lenses from one that other doesn't offer, the choice is made for you.
On a related note, my understanding is that currently generation FF Nikons have better sensors (made by Sony) than current generation FF Canons.