If anyone is one using T-Mobile, this might be interesting.
Entertainment Weekly's Oct 5th issue will be containing a special kind of ad that actually uses a fully functioning stripped down smartphone running android inside of its pages to access the ads and live twitter feed. It uses a T-Mobile SIM card that seems to have very little restriction on it (they have already demonstrated it making calls and accessing 3G data). Only 1000 issues will be released, but it seems like it might be a deal if you can grab one if just for the SIM card.
Patience, Grasshopper.
Mastery is its own reward.
From my wet film days.
Breath Control.
Posture / Bracing / Grip. (Essentially are you a stable platform for the camera)
Squuuueeeezing the shutter release, gently , rather than pounding on it.
Keep at it Dinny, and have fun.